Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Britney Spears: Curious

(Sibel Edmonds comparison here)


Anonymous said...

so I guess it's NO COMMENT on Kosovo for you, ha? Or are you hard at work on a new discussion of Britney Spears's contribution to Trotskyism? A rabbit's excrement is small - very small - tiny - but you can feel the stench from a mile's distance.

Anonymous said...

& a blackbird's?

Anonymous said...

re Kosovo's independence, it's possibly better that the more extreme wing of the seccessionist movement negotiated the settlement with the EU. I doubt this is much comfort to Serbs in the province or elsewhere. It seems a fairly meagre concession for the EU or NATO to win from Thaci that he waited one week or something after the election in Serbia before declaring independance. Thaci's statements today about occupying N Mitrovica seemed rash. The protests in Belgrade showed up the relative meekness of the antiwar movement in London a few years ago. It would be impossible to try to organise people in Western Europe now against this seccession. No-one would want to go against the demographics. The most you could do is publicise the new cold war aspect. In this respect it would be necessary to look at Georgia, chechnya, Karabakh etc.